martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Master Prints at NEIU Chicago

Northeastern Illinois University invites you to  join the Solo Exhibition of the nicaraguan printmaker Carlos Barberena: Master Prints at the Fine Arts Center Gallery - Upper Gallery. NEIU, Chicago.

"Monsanto" Linocut. 2010. Print by Carlos Barberena

Open to Public: February 21 - March 4, 2011.
Monday to Friday 10:00AM - 4:00PM
Master Prints 
Fine Arts Center Gallery - Upper Gallery. Northeastern Illinois University, 5500 N St Louis Ave. Chicago. IL 60625

viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Maestros del Arte Nicaraguense

El Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura invita a la inauguración de la exposición"Maestros del Arte Nicaragüense" en el marco del VII Festival de Poesía de Granada 2011.

Maestros del Arte Nicaraguense
"Maestros del Arte Nicaraguense"/"Nicaraguan Art Masters"
Febrero 14, 4:00PM, Sala Asilia Guillén, Museo Antiguo Convento de San Francisco. Granada, Nicaragua. Febrero 14-28, 2011.
Miguel Angel Abarca/ Alberto Arguello/ Allan Arguello/ Alejandro Arostegui/ Aparicio Arthola/ Carlos Barberena/ Robert Barberena de la Rocha/ Guillermo Barraza/ Carlos Benard/ Silvio Bonilla/ Rafael Castellon/ Ernesto Cuadra/ Maria Gallo/ Celia Lacayo/ Carlos Montenegro/ Luis Morales Alonso/ Ricardo Morales/ Ilse Ortiz de Manzanares/ Roger Perez de la Rocha/ Sarah Lynn Pistorius/ Juan Rivas Alfaro/ Javier Sanchez/ Jose Trinidad Sandino/ Oscar Valladares/ Sergio Velasquez/ Alfonso Jimenez.

Master Prints

“Master Prints” Obra Gráfica de Carlos Barberena.
Las apropiaciones en la cultura visual y en el arte siempre han formado parte de la historia de la humanidad, el copiar, tomar prestado, imitar, re-contextualizar y asimilar costumbres de diversas culturas ha sido la forma en la que hemos aprendido, desarrollado y consolidado nuestra sociedad.
En las artes visuales podemos observar a los estudiantes de arte e inclusive algunos artistas establecidos copiar Obras Maestras, para así aprender de las diversas técnicas de los grandes maestros. Así mismo dentro de nuestra cotidianidad hacemos uso de las apropiaciones cuando citamos frases famosas, refranes hasta incluso los picaros priropos.
The Jungle
"The Jungle" after Lam. Linóleo 2010.
El movimiento de las apropiaciones en las artes visuales toma auge en el siglo XX, con las intervenciones de objetos no artísticos insertados a manera de collage en las pinturas cubistas de Picasso y Braque y se expande con los ready made de Duchamp y es seguido por la corriente dadaísta y posteriormente por los surrealistas sin embargo es con el arte pop en donde lo veremos mas a menudo en los “combines” de Rauschenberg, en los comics de Lichtenstein y en las apropiaciones de los productos de consumo en las serigrafías y pinturas de Warhol.
Durante los años 80’s sobresale Sherrie Levine con las apropiaciones fotográficas o reproducciones de obras maestras tituladas -Untitled after…- Otros artistas que militan en esta corriente apropiaciones son Barbara Kruger, Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, entre otros…
Self-Portrait after Van Gogh
"Self-Portrait after Van Gogh" Xilografía. 2010.
Dentro de esta línea esta basado mi proyecto “Master Prints”, una serie de grabados en los cuales empleo el proceso de apropiación, variación e intervención  de “Obras Maestras”, usando en algunos casos sus títulos y estrategias de composición e insertándoles imágenes e iconos contemporáneos dentro de su contenido original que muchas veces transgrede o contradice su significado original creando así una nueva obra de arte.
Calavera Cañera
"Calavera Cañera" after Posada. Linóleo. 2010.
En esta serie de linóleos y xilografías quiero que el espectador pueda reconocer las imágenes que estoy interviniendo y espero que puedan asociar el significado de las imágenes originales con las nuevas ideas y cuestionamientos que planteo dentro de un nuevo contexto.
Me interesa que estas obras reflejen la problemática contemporánea que vivimos a diario: la contaminación ambiental, la explotación desmedida de los recursos naturales, el irrespeto a los derechos humanos, la violencia, los derechos laborales en bananeras y cañaverales, el consumismo, el monopolio de las grandes corporaciones, el uso desmedido de transgénicos, las guerras y el uso y abuso del poder.
La selección de estas obras no fueron al azar, en la mayoría seleccione obras que reflejaban la problemática social o política que se vivía en el tiempo que fueron producidas.

Master Prints en la Casa de los Tres Mundos

Master Prints Casa de los Tres Mundos

Imagenes de Denuncia

Efebinás Cafe invite you to join the Solo Exhibition of the nicaraguan visual artist Carlos Barberena:
"Imágenes de Denuncia"
OPENING RECEPTION: Friday December 10th, 8:00PM until Midnight.
Live Music with Fandanguero.
Imagenes de Denuncia

Carlos Barberena Exhibiting at the Art House Gallery

“Master Prints” & “Años de Miedo”

May 22, 2010 12:04 AM Nancy Moyer The Monitor
Upon entering the gallery, the exhibit appears to be German Expressionist-inspired relief prints. Suddenly, a second room of prints offers a broader aesthetic base; it chronicles the artist’s witty romp through past Masters of art. Carlos Barberena exhibits two series, or portfolios, “Master Prints” & “Años de Miedo,” at the Art House. The works are all linocuts; both series are relevant.
“Años de Miedo” (Time of Fear) is the result of a ten-year project; it is a tribute to victims of war. The works are based on Barberena’s own memories and the collective historical memory of his country, Nicaragua. The violent decades of the 70’s and 80’s in Nicaragua ravaged that nation, environmentally and politically. By addressing warfare and its aftermath, he believes that his work is touching on a reality that presently exists in many countries.
"Llanto" Linocut by Carlos Barberena
The artist reflects on the effects left by war and how those experiences affect our lives, physically and psychologically. One group of prints explores facial expressions provoked by fear. Each print shows only the abstracted face of an anguished individual. Llanto portrays the face with tears, while Herido de Muerto captures a face during the final signs of life. With only one exception, these prints are white line cuts against a flat black ground, visually emphasizing the psychologically disturbing message of tragedy. By injecting the darker issues of modern life into past artistic modes in the “Master Prints,” Barberena riffs off the old Masters. How would they have presented that painting/print today? Believing that they would share his concern for human injustices, environmental issues, and a world in need of common sense, he has reinvented a few artworks by well-known artists. Converting the original images into linocuts with impressive virtuosity, Barberena has added believable political or environmental issues.
La McMona
"La McMona" Print by Carlos Barberena
In La McMona, Leonardo might have painted the Mona Lisa as a Calavera, or is death the answer to a diet of unhealthy fast food? Venus 2.0 (Botticelli’s Aphrodite) sports a respirator as pipes spewing industrial waste surround her shell. And what really might be causing Edvard Munch’s enigmatic figure to scream? Barberena’s The Scream suggests potential radiation from the mushroom cloud in the distance.
Venus 2.0
"Venus 2.0" Print by Carlos Barberena
Barberena collects images that relate to our collective memory; he references painful events that occurred in the history of Nicaragua as well as globally. “I hope never to become inactive nor esthetically dead during the period in which we are living,” he states. “I hope to react without fear in order to say what needs to be said in the moment it needs to be said.” For this artist, art is a powerful form of communication for reflecting upon and questioning the issues of our contemporary society - the fears, the desires, the hopelessness, and sometimes even the nonsense.
Der Schrei der Natur - Skrik - The Scream - El Grito.
"The Scream" Print by Carlos Barberena
Nancy MoyerProfessor Emerita of Art from UTPA, is an art critic for The Monitor. She may be reached at

Master Prints at Expressions Graphics

I will be having a Solo Exhibition at Expressions Graphics Gallery in Oak Park, IL.
master prints in oak park


In this series I employ the process of appropriating and varying “Master Pieces of Art,” using at times both their titles and compositional strategies but inserting contemporary imagery to create new works.

These pieces reflect contemporary issues such as environmental pollution, exploitation of natural resources, human rights issues, violence, labor rights, wars, and the use and abuse of power.

My selection of master pieces was not entirely random: with most, I chose pieces which reflected contemporary issues during the period in which they were produced. I researched the ideas behind each artist’s piece, the ways in which each artist dealt with the contradictions and hypocrisy of these issues.

Then in some, I inserted contemporary issues into them that fit with the complex imagery of each. In others, where the message of the work was particularly clear and widely understood, I introduced new, contradictory ideas.
Prints by Carlos Barberena

Carlos Barberena is a Nicaraguan visual artist based in Chicago. He has had solo shows in Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua and The United States of America, and his work has been shown in important Art Fairs, Art Biennials, Museums and Galleries in many places including Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Germany, Italy, Spain, USA, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.

He has created many installations in public spaces in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Venezuela and his work was selected to represent Nicaragua in the XIII Art Salon: Identity Imprint: A Glance at Ibero-American Printmaking at the Mexican Cultural Institute in Washington, DC. And in the III World Body Art Conference in Venezuela.

His artistic work has been published in almanacs and Christmas cards benefiting Costa Rican children. He has also participated in art auctions benefiting Nicaraguan children and Nicaraguan Printmaking in Bonn, Germany, He also illustrated a book for children published in Vienna, Austria.

He has received various awards, most notably the award- poster for the Ecology and Human Rights in Banana Plantations in Costa Rica, given by GEBANA in Berlin, Germany.

His work is included in private and public collections, among them The International Exlibriscentrum, Stedelijke Museum in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium, the Lia Bermudez Museum in Venezuela, The Printmaking Workshop (Taller de Formación y Producción Gráfica), in Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico, the National Gallery (Galeria Nacional) of Costa Rica, the Cultural Museum of the Caribbean (Museo Cultural del Caribe) in Venezuela, the Praxis Gallery in Nicaragua.
Gallery Hours only for this Event:

Wed - Thu - Fri -Saturday 1-5 PM or by appointment. *3rd Friday 1-9PM*

Our gallery is run by Volunteers: Please call ahead to insure we’re open. 708-386-3552

Expressions Graphics
29 Harrison St. Oak Park, IL 60304

Carlos Barberena Solo Exhibit at The Art House Gallery

I will be showing my prints series: Master Prints and Años de Miedo at the Art House Gallery, McAllen, Texas.

solo exhibit arthouse tx

Carlos Barberena Solo Exhibit at The University of Texas-Pan American

I will be showing my prints series: "Master Prints" and "Años de Miedo" in the University Gallery at The University of Texas-Pan American, Edinburg, Texas.
solo exhibit texas
The University of Texas-Pan American will welcome speakers, performers, University community and the public to celebrate Pan American Days 2010 April 6 and 7. The theme for this year is “Austerity, Prosperity and Justice.”
Hosted by the Office of International Programs, Pan American Days serves to provide the University community and the public with a wide range of academic and cultural activities that appeal to all ages and nationalities. One of this year’s highlights will be the first “Noche de Arte” art walk on April 7 from 6-9 p.m. starting at the Art Gallery in UTPA’s Communication Arts and Sciences Building, and featuring the work of Nicaraguan artist, Carlos Barberena De La Rocha. His art expresses his sentiments and digs deep into the vastness of human knowledge. His Print Portfolio is presented as a manner of reflection about war and its effects and how these memories and fears affect our lives not only physically but also in psychological terms.The Opening will be during the Pan American Days celebration: "Noche de Arte” Art walk, 6:00 p.m., University Gallery (COAS building) UTPA.

FEATURED ARTIST: Carlos Barberena de la Rocha (Prof. Reynaldo Santiago, Curator)
Wednesday, April 7: Printmaking Workshop and Demonstration by Artist, Carlos Barberena. 9-11:30 a.m., AASA 170 (University Annex Graduate and Art Facilities)
Opening Reception: "Master Prints and Años de Miedo" Print Exhibit by Carlos Barberena Prof. Reynaldo Santiago, Curator, Art Department. 7 p.m., University Gallery (COAS building).
Thursday, April 8: "Gallery Talk with Carlos Barberena"Presented by Prof. Reynaldo Santiago, Curator, University Gallery, 12 noon. Co-Sponsored by the Art House* Co-sponsors: Office of Student Development, University Program Board and Art Department.
Office of International Programs, COAS 125The University of Texas-Pan American
1201 W. University Drive Edinburg, Texas 78539-2999
Telephone: (956) 381-3572 Fax: (956) 316-7012Email: